I have a laptop (Windows XP), Recently while I have tried to use system restore to restore my system an I get a message - that it is impossible. I have also tried in safe mode but that hasn't worked either. I cannot think of any other way to make it work and how to fix System Restore not Working.
Note: Right-click My Computer, then click Properties to view System Properties.
Many people experience one of the following issues in the System Restore service.
- In System Properties, the System Restore tab is not present.
- In Services, the System Restore is listed as stopped.
- If you try to manually start the System Restore, you may receive the following error message:FOLDER IS NOT EMPTY
From :http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B841568&x=8&y=18
To resolve System Restore not Working problem, rename the System Volume Information folder, and then restart your computer. To do this, you must use an account with administrator permissions. If you have more than one hard disk drive on your computer, follow these steps on one hard disk drive at a time. To rename the System Volume Information folder, follow these steps:
1. | Configure the View hidden files and folders setting in Folder Options if it is not configured. To do this, follow these steps:
| ||||||
2. | Locate the root of a hard disk drive. Work in reverse alphabetical order by drive letter. For example, if you have three hard drives on your computer with the drive letters "C", "E", and "F", follow these steps on drive F, on drive E, and then on drive C. | ||||||
3. | Right-click the System Volume Information folder, and then click Rename. | ||||||
4. | Type a new similar name for the folder, and then press ENTER. For example, type System Volume Information2, and then press ENTER. | ||||||
5. | Restart your computer, and then test to determine if the issue is resolved. | ||||||
6. | If the issue is not resolved, repeat steps 2-5 for the next drive on your computer in reverse alphabetical order by drive letter. |
more about fix System Restore not Working
What should I do if System Restore does not work?Try these steps if System Restore does not appear to work:
1. Ensure the System Restore service is running. For more information, see: How can I verify that the System Restore services are running on my machine?
2.Verify that you have enough free space on all your drives as required by System Restore. If the free space on any partition system restore is monitoring falls below 50 MB, System Restore will suspend and purge out all restore points to free up disk space. It will automatically reactivate when 200 MB+ free space is available. For more information, see How the System Restore Tool Handles Hard-Disk Space Usage.
3.Examine event logs for any system restore-related errors that could help you identify the problem.
Why is System Restore suspended enough free space on the system drive exists?
A. Suspension can occur if:
•A non-system drive with System Restore enabled has less than 50 MB of free disk space
•A copy, delete, modify operation was made to a file monitored by System Restore. This typically causes System Restore to suspend across the system.
Q. When using System Restore, I receive the following message: 'System restore was unable to start due to a missing Framedyn.dll. Please reinstall the application to fix this problem'. How do I fix this?
This event usually occurs when the Windows path is corrupt. To resolve this issue, begin by installing Windows XP Service Pack 1. Alternatively, you can temporarily address this issue by copying the framedyn.dll file from the \windows\system32\wbem directory to the \windows\system32 directory. If you cannot locate the .dll file in the …\Wbem folder, see Why can't I see system files such as .dll or .inf in Windows?
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